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Kulu Snakes, born Andre Stevens, comes from the North side of Pittsburgh, PA. He has lived all over the city though. Father not around, mother struggling with addiction, having been in foster care with younger sister, incarcerated for first time at age 17 and given a 10 year sentence for robberies and gun charges, Kulu Snakes is no stranger to struggle. "I slung on corners, out of houses and things of that nature as well," says Kulu Snakes," but everything aint meant for everybody. I loved rap music ever since LL Cool J. I Started rapping myself around the age of 15. I used to freestyle with my god sister and my long ago homies back in the day. My old head Ju Ju aka Nikki Scarfu who was trying to start a record label in the 90's gave me the name Kulu Snakes. it's just a cool way to say crazy venom... in which I spit." Being 32 may seem kind of late for this gritty, rough voice rapper. But judging by his punch lines, witty lyrics, and vocabulary, the time couldn't be right for hip-hop. "I rap because I love it. I pursue a career in rap because that is what lost loved ones of mines wanted to do for a living. I rap in hopes to change the world for the better. My inspirations are Tupac, DMX, Notorious B.I.G, Snoop Dogg, and Jay-Z." Nate The Great aka Nathaniel Germany comes from the Hill District of Pittsburgh. Age 26, born April 3, he raps better than most almost twice his age. " I was inspired by music at a young age listening to my grandfather play the bongos. I played the violin. I've always wanted to learn to play the electric guitar though," says Nate The Great. "I first learned I could rap on the city steps up Chauncey drive. Me, P.T, and Deezy. They could freestyle and I couldn't. So later that night I wrote something and have been killing shit ever since. My inspirations are Jay-Z, Nas, B.I.G, and Tupac. I rap because I am able to capture reality in words that most people cant express lyrically... a great picture of truth. We speak for those in the struggle." Being in and out of trouble landed him in prison before making it out of the ninth grade. Judging from his word play, erythematic flow, and slick metaphors, F.A.T.A.L. M.O.B. is a duo to reckon with. a breath of fresh air for hip-hop and rap fans of all ages. Kulu and Nate met in a halfway house in 2008 and have been tight ever since. They decided to continue their pursuit to be rappers in 2013.

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