Christmas is over, but it’s never out of season to share a bit with the community.
Fund-raisers and corporate social responsibility projects not only support noble causes but can also be a fun and engaging exercise.
Here are a few fund-raising ideas:
1. Sell a product that people will want to buy. Something useful and fashionable will take you far. Some popular choices are tote bags you can customize with your logo or inspirational messages.
2. Say “thank you!” These magic words will keep things positive and strengthen everyone’s efforts. More than extending gratitude, it’s a good idea to hand out giveaways for volunteers to keep.
Branders client Arlene Phillips gave out big sticky notepads to hospital team members during Healthcare Quality Week to showcase how they were "shining a light on quality."
3. Control costs to make a healthy margin. Monitor costs and choose a product you can buy at a good price.
Branders client Joanna Gasperik's quilting group was able to make a profit by selling tote bags at an "irresistible" price of $15 from the original $7.
Giving is a privilege, not a duty, says the philanthropist John Rockefeller Jr. Truly, one never loses by giving back.
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