Nelson Bates, Author Best Website: Simple Steps to Successful Websites Most people who start an online business will spend far too much time just getting things set up and won’t have enough time or money to spend on the things that will actually make him or her money. It is important therefore, to get past many of the start up issues as quickly as possible, so you can focus on creating additional traffic to your website and improving your sales process. Two of the most important decisions you will need to do, before you even begin to design your website, are to choose the name of your business and your domain name. The Name of Your Business:In most situations I recommend the name of the business be the same as the domain name. It makes things much easier in general, as you'll see below.There are two schools of thought here: go with a keyword generated name or go with a name you make up. My preference is to go with a keyword-generated name because it’s easier to target the search en...
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